Noise Report: Ableton Push 2

If you’re a musician or producer and you haven’t heard of Ableton’s flagship MIDI controller the Push 2 then, you’ve probably been living under a rock. With high anticipation Ableton released the first Push back in early 2013 in collaboration with Akai professional. For everything great about the first push it was seriously lacking in some aspects like the display, pad sensitivity and proper LED back lighting. Now, fast forward to 2015 Ableton decided to launch version 9.5 with some major over haul’s to certain devices. They also gave us just about everything we wanted in the new Push 2 controller. This new controller is built incredibly well. The new display allows for amazingly precise control over certain devices in Ableton such as the newly overhauled Simpler device. Ableton gave us so many great features with the new Simpler device, allowing for super quick sample chopping, new filters which emulate vintage synths and some very fine control over audio waveforms. Every producer knows that not having to stare at a computer screen when chopping samples is a huge deal when trying to stay in that creative flow. Enough talk, lets watch this video from Beat Drop on how easy it is to chop and play in a quick beat.

Ableton Push 2 isn't only great for beat making... The beautiful thing about Ableton is that it's virtually limitless. You can create any music your little heart desires. Check out the video below of Brooklyn-based producer and beat maker JNTHN STEIN from the beat group Team Supreme to see just how truly versatile Ableton and the new Push 2 really are. Enjoy!