Noise Report :: Korg's Volca FM

If you enjoy the swirling synth sounds of the 80's then strap in and get ready for some 80's nostalgia with the sounds of Korg's newest boutique synthesizer the Volca FM.

But first, a little back story. The Volca Fm is based off of Yamaha's DX7 which is a continuation of John Cowning's (composer and researcher at Stanford University) work from the 1970's and is arguably the most famous digital synthesizer of all time. The DX7 single-handedly shaped the 80's sound we all hear in our heads when we think about 80's pop music.

Songs like...

Brian Eno was such a fan of the DX7 and its dodgy frequency modulation synthesis that he claimed to have owned 7 of them at one time. A bit excessive much?

Brian Eno was such a fan of the DX7 and its dodgy frequency modulation synthesis that he claimed to have owned 7 of them at one time. A bit excessive much?

Alright enough about the DX7, let's listen to the Volca FM.

Korg teased us with the Volca FM back at winter NAMM, people freaked out. It’s 3-voice polyphonic, capable of 6-operator synthesis. These give it that classic 80s bass and electric key sounds, as well as more far-out metallic timbres. Fully compatible with classic units and holy shit balls, that means you can install DX7 patches if you want to.

Our hats off to Korg for being able to pack so much greatness into such a small package and to do it at a $160 price point is almost too much to ask for but, we'll take it.

Anyways, enough yammering! Now go out, get one and play your little 80's heart out.