Artist Spotlight: Christopher Krieb - Photographer

Chris Krieb is one of those guys who just has "it". You meet the guy and he is naturally captivating with this genuine interest for the world around him. It's nothing childlike because, I mean, he is full-grown man. However, there's something of pure adoration and it shows in every image he captures on camera. Chris recently took a hiatus from his life over on the East Coast to have a chat about road trips, being a prodigal son, and hating vest thieves. Enjoy xx

Name: Chris Krieb
Hometown: Sea Cliff, NY
Age: 28

Where are you from?

Im from a small one square-mile village on the North Shore of Long Island, NY. The town has always been an inspiration to me. Its a beautiful place with 17 parks and 2 beaches.. A lot of the residents are artists and/or musicians here so there is a ton of creative energy to take in. 

At this point how long have you been shooting photos?

Oh man, I have been using cameras since I was in middle school which would have been almost 17 years ago.. I only really started shooting seriously in High School though. I got kicked out of my one year at Catholic School (not even really sure why I went) and when I came back to my public school I got into the photography program. I'd say I've been taking photography seriously for the better part of 12 years.  

What do you currently shoot with most or what’s your favorite camera that you have?

When I shoot film I love to use my Contax G2. Thats the camera that comes everywhere with me and documents everything from parties to concerts to hikes to road trips. Aside from that, I also really love to use my Nikonos IV. It's a fully waterproof 35mm camera and its amazing! I also love instant cameras.. I always used my Fujifilm instax and my Polaroid SX-70 but recently bought the new Impossible polaroid (the i-1) and that thing is amazing! The app allows you to control aperture and shutter speed on a fully manual setting.. It also has fun features like double exposure, self timer, and light painting mode. 

When I shoot digitally I almost strictly use my Canon 5D Mark III. 

Who and what currently inspires you to pick up your camera?

The same thing that always has inspired me to pick up my cameras -- my friends and my surroundings. In my heart I've always felt I was more of a documentary photographer than anything else.

You have done a fair bit of road tripping around the U.S. How would you say your experiences on the road have shaped your vision and overall outlook?

Ah man.. Road tripping is a learning experience for sure. There is A LOT that can go wrong in the blink of an eye and I think that I've experienced, and lived through, many close calls while out on the road. On the other hand though, road tripping can teach you a lot about yourself and show you some beautiful things and introduce you to some amazing people you never would have met otherwise. My experiences have definitely allowed me to rethink the location of my shoots.. I love introducing people into an otherwise remote landscape.

What drew you to come to LA?

Just getting as far away as possible from New York without leaving the country. A change of pace and an opportunity taken on a whim.

You did quite a bit of freelance work down in the smoggy basin. Who were you shooting for and what was one of your favorite assignments?

Honestly, when I first arrived in LA I was living in my car in Venice and shooting small daily assignments for these girls who were part of a synchronized swim team: The Aqualillies. Those shoots were definitely my favorite during my time there. Everything was so carefree and I had nowhere to be at any specific times.. The California dream my man. 

I know, I describe those days as the best "worst" time of my life.

Okay let's cut the bullshit. Remember when we met at Abbot's Habit in Venice? I like to describe that moment as full-homo, love at first sight. Was the feeling mutual or was I getting the one side train to straight hopeless bromanticism?

Immediate obsession. There's no denying love. And that husky of yours... who can say no to those eyes?!

Be honest. Did it hurt we never got to say good-bye before I left Venice? I was pretty salty until Dorothy blew a tire three hours North of LA County.

It was definitely something that stuck with me for a while. I had very few people out there who I actually cared to say bye to and you were one of them. But then again, there's always just saying whattup again, which seems better than a goodbye anyway.  

Truth. Plus you need to get back out to Portland and let me show it to you local style. I also need to finally visit NY. So we are at a stalemate. Sort of.

I can't believe you and I never set anything up with Lightning Bolt in Dorothy by the way. She was the perfect model! Be honest, too thick for your liking in subject matter?

Hey man, that one was all on you. I would have been honored to shoot Dorothy!

Yeah, I know. I guess I was just a little protective of the old girl.

You and I are both prodigal sons of our respective hometowns. What have you been up to since your return to New York?

Yeah man! It feels good to be back in New York. The vibe, although busy, is a little less chaotic over here (in comparison to LA). Everyone just seems a little bit more humble these days. I've mostly just been hustling to shoot as much as possible and also spending some quality summer time on my boat. No complaints. 

Anything else you would like to add? Shout outs to any one? Or better, any middle fingers you would like to hand out? 

Yeah, I would like to handout a BIG ole' middle finger to you. For taking my goddamn vest.

Love you too bud!

See Chris' "Desert Desert" Collection Below or just follow him on Instagram: @chris_krieb for a whole collection of 1x1 beauty.