8 Places to Move if Donald Trump Wins

With the election on the horizon, we keep hearing "If Trump wins, I am moving to _______". Well, here at Field Report we are here to help provide our community with inspiration for their travels/destinations so we took it upon ourselves to find you the 8 best places to become an expat if Trump wins. Check out the list below, do some research, and create your bug out plan! (I'd probably go ahead and visit these regardless if Trump wins or not)

  • Ecuador | Probably comes as a surprise on a list of best countries to move to, right? It certainly was to me too, but Ecuador was ranked towards the top of almost every survey we read, including the health of personal finances; the potential for making friends; and overall personal happiness.It is estimated that there are as many as 10,000 American expats currently living in Ecuador, and affordability is one of the main reasons: many expat couples say they live on less than $2,000/month, and in some cases, much less.In most of the country, with the exception of parts of Quito and Guayaquil, the cost of housing is far below the U.S. average. And in the picturesque beachfront town of Bahia de Caraquez, many homes sell for less than $100,000.


  • Bahrain |  We understand if you have to look up Bahrain. It probably doesn't come up too often in your conversations about where you would like to live, but you may want to change that.
    Bahrain does reside in the Persian Gulf, but unlike the majority of countries in that region, Bahrain does not rely on oil as it's main source of income. Alternatively, Bahrain is invested heavily into banking and the tourism sectors, making it an ideal destination for expats. Most locals are very friendly and accepting of expats.In researching Bahrain, we found that is was ranked second in experience, which takes into account the ease of adjusting to a new place to live and making friends in a new place, and eleventh in economics, which is evident in 70% of expats living in Bahrain saying they save more money here than they did at home.


  • New Zealand | While Bahrain was second in experience, New Zealand ranks first, which is one of the reasons it is higher on this list. On top of that, New Zealand is an attractive option because of it's need for skilled workers, especially those under the age of 30. If you qualify as a skilled worker, you can be granted a stay for up to five years.New Zealand offers a good climate and although income levels can be lower than other countries, quality of life is high, with its awe-inspiring scenery, low crime rate, and state sponsored healthcare.


  • Germany | An estimated 250,000 expats live in Germany currently, with those numbers rising every year. It’s lively and inexpensive.The country also benefits from a stronger economy than that of most of the world, with 87% of expats expressing satisfaction with the local economy compared with a global average of 62%.It is also considered an extremely safe place to live with a very stable political system and low crime, with 80% saying that Germany is safer than their home country.


  • Luxembourg | Luxembourg is for the company man who wants to ride out this Voldemort term by spending a few years abroad in a foreign office. Luxembourg is a major financial capital of Europe, and plenty of like-minded Americans move here every year for its banks and markets.  That's nice, but there's more to life than that right?  While an overwhelming majority of expats in Luxembourg would say that they are happy, there are still those who end up moving. Why? Overwhelmingly, expats in Luxembourg report that they struggle to break into the close knit social scene, otherwise it would have been higher on the list.


  • Singapore | Singapore may be the biggest surprise on this list for some, but after some research it becomes clear this a country with something to offer. 70% of expats said that moving to Singapore boosted their quality of life: “For expats looking for an improved quality of life and greater economic opportunities, Singapore is the place to go.”Singapore ranked third in economic measures and third in experience. Expats in Singapore benefit from generous financial packages, great career opportunities than most of the world, and low tax rates. Although education is expensive here, it's worth it and is rated one of the top places for raising children abroad.


  • Switzerland | Yeah, Switzerland. The Alps, the skiing, the food, and the chocolate. Oh, and it happens to be the country that ranks first in economics.25% of expats earn more than $200,000/year, which is more than twice the global average. Of course, high salaries are necessary because everything is more expensive, including groceries, healthcare, accommodation, and socializing.But that's ok, as 80% of expats say their job security feels better or just as stable in Switzerland as it did in America, making it a good place to take a career leap.It’s also great for those who love the outdoors, as there are beautiful lakes, mountains to hike in, and skiing in the winter. The school standards for expats are also excellent, making it appealing for those with children. English is also widely spoken so day-to-day living can be stress free.In addition, travel around and outside Switzerland is very accessible. The country's central European location puts it a short train ride from exciting destinations like France, Germany, and Italy.


  • Cape Breton Island, Canada | An ad campaign and website for the island reads: “Hi Americans! Trump may become the president of your country. If that happens and you decide to get the hell out of there, might I suggest moving to Cape Breton Island.”Cape Breton Island, which is roughly the same size as Hawaii’s Big Island, is about a nine hour drive from Bangor, Maine. Tourism leaders say its population is 131,000.The ad campaign was created by a resident who is passionate about where he lives and the election. The campaign is not affiliated with any sanctioned tourism site from the island.



While you're at it, check out these 5 places in Hawaii that you have to visit!

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