Artist Spotlight: Natalia Leckey

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These generally come with an introduction of mediocre, sardonic humor. Today that style of writing is taking a back seat to one VERY poignant and honest opinion from this artist spotlight. "Put simply, if all lives mattered, then people wouldn't be bothered by "Black Lives Matter". I don't wish no harm on anyone but "Blue Lives Matter" is a laughable take if you ask me. Officers signed up for a dangerous job. Black people didn't choose to be black and they didn't choose a dangerous experience. No such thing as blue lives. They aren't a real thing. Very simple." - Natalia Leckey - Model & Hair Stylist

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Name: Natalia Leckey
CoconutCreek, FL
Model & Hair

OATH: Where did you grow up and what's your backstory as a creator? Let's hear the journey.

Born in Florida, raised in Oregon. I grew up in Beaverton for the most part. We moved back to Florida when I was in middle school but ultimately, I landed on the west coast. Still yet to identify as an Oregonian, but I aslo don't consider myself a Floridian. I think I just don't like being boxed in. But when I think of home, it’s my (dads mom) grandmother house. Everything about the house and everything about her is home. 

My journey? I’m still on it! still in it! All in all, its never-ending and forever evolving. I have ideas but I never know what's next.

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OATH: First off, let's hear it. Why is it Black Lives Matter and why THAT is the message? What is it that we need to actually hear from a person of experience?

 Oof, I’m tired.

Put simply, if all lives mattered, then people wouldn't be bothered by "Black Lives Matter". I don't wish no harm on anyone but "Blue Lives Matter" is a laughable take if you ask me. Officers signed up for a dangerous job. Back people didn't choose to be back and they didn't choose a dangerous  experience. No such thing as blue lives. They aren't a real thing. Very simple.

OATH: What got you started as a model? Did someone look at you at you and break it down that you had the moves or?

I fell into honestly. I got signed a few years back but didn't start working consistently until last year. This feels like my first real year working working. I’m in a good wave where I feel like I’m getting to choose and create work that more accurately reflects me, who I am, and what aligns with my beliefs is my greater purpose.

OATH: Dude I hear that getting a belly button piercing is like the only equivalent to a lady getting kicked in the walnuts. Did it suck and if so, how much?

 Temporary pain to be permanently poppin’? I’ll take it.

If I want it, I’m getting it, I don't care how bad it hurts. 

OATH: Aside from being a smoke show, apparently your entire family falls in line with that. So who's the smokiest in your opinion?

Too hard to choose. We’re a cute ass family, all of us. Aunties, uncles, cousins, we’re all good lookin over here baby. 

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OATH: Favorite hairstyle to do up?

 Styling is probably my least favorite part about doing hair. I love color though, blonding & color correction the most. 

OATH: Why?

Gets my brain goin 

OATH: Modeling or hair?

I hate when people ask me this. I’ve chosen both and i’ll always choose both. There are waves where I do one more than the other but I’ll never make myself stop either, altogether.

Can you tell I don’t like being boxed in?

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OATH: If you could go anywhere in the world without worrying about this pandemic. Where? Why?

Florida. I don care how much people hate that state. My favorite people live there and I miss them. I miss my family.

OATH: Let's get very minimally racy. Hugh Hef (pre-death) says you got what it takes to be a bunny. Slaying or staying?

 For whatever reason when I was young I really thought I’d want to be one. Me today, I’d pass. It’s just not authentic to who I am.

OATH: What's your favorite thing to shoot?

It’s changing every day. Never thought Id say this but I've been really into the super soft, simple beauty shoots or anything that brings out the gentleness in me. It’s not natural and I like the challenge.

OATH: What is your most memorable shoot and why? What made it rad?

My two shoots with Hayden Sahli. He's super fucking incredible to work with and has a heart of gold, gotta love that. But both shoots happened at pretty pivotal points in my life. They were also about a year apart. Spiritual cycles I was transitioning through were starting and ending when I worked with him. The timing of them both means a lot to me and he captured in these moments.


OATH: Cannabis or booze? Why?

Weed for sure. Personal reasons. Never been a big drinker. Although I do love rum.

OATH: Rip the braids or prefer the natural flow? Your recent IG post is about the flow.

Every hairstyle I wear comes with a different energy. The short flow was crazy, I cut off all my hair at the beginning of the year and I think I’m still in shock I did it. Recently though, I've been ready to grow it out so its in protective styles pretty regularly and DAMN, do I have a lot of attitude when I got some inches in.

OATH: Anything else you would like to add? Shout outs to anyone? Or better, any middle fingers you would like to hand out?

Shoutout my brothers. I’m forever grateful for them and I realized being the only girl in-between two opposite personality brothers has made me into a really balanced person and basically I’m shouting out myself right now and I’m also okay with that.

Anyway, to my brothers, you're welcome.

Middle fingers? Hmm you know who you are.

OATH: And the million dollar question. Kill, fuck, marry: Danny DeVito. Willem Dafoe. Adam Sandler.

You’re kidding?

Keep up with all things Ashley over on her Instagram @natalialeckey