Earth Day 2022 - Remembering Frontline PBS' Plastic Wars From 2020

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Sparked from the viral video of a turtle having a straw lodged in its nose so much so that a fully grown, adult human being could barely pry it from the turtle’s nasal cavity. Now I don’t know about you, but I did a TON of cocaine in my 20s and am fairly used to shoving stupid shit up my nose. What can I say? I was a junkie.

What I am getting at here is that even as a person who is used to shoving things in their nose, that footage made my nasopharynx sore. So much so that I had an immediate reaction while watching it that gave me ghost pains. Of course if I could’ve maybe tricked my brain I was getting a ghost high then that would have been great! Unfortunately, that joke sucks because so does that video.

Just like myself, our society is addicted to bullshit that only harms our environment and damns our future. The fact that we have become so addicted to plastic started as innocent as my cocaine addiction. We had a problem we solved with a foolish solution. That solution became an easy and convenient way keep things moving forward that eventually became an extremely damaging solution that is now VERY difficult to get out of. Our entire economy is dependent on plastic and its ability to provide a fast solution.

I guess the only difference is that my blow habit was pretty expensive while plastic is more like meth or crack. So I apologize to any coke heads for cheapening your habit with such a lazy comparison, but I never smoked the harder stuff…more than once or twice of course.

As far as our societal addiction to plastic is concerned the next question becomes why have we not move away from this rabidly destructive pattern? Well fortunately for my fingertips the fine people of Frontline PBS did them a favor back in 2020 that still resonates with our situation today.

As you can see our addiction to plastic is choking our ecosystem out. From shampoo to groceries, single use plastic simply does not make sense, especially not when there is this much information out there about how terrible it is for us. So why do we continue down this path. Convenience.


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