Good Books That Don't Suck Intro

This new feature is pretty straight forward. Every week I will feature books that I have found to be anywhere from not a total waste of my time to being pretty fucking good and any measure in between that snidely expressive measure in taste. Honestly, I am going to feature books I am reading and, whether they suck or not, I will still recommend them out of some undying fear that should the author ever stumble across this infinitesimally small corner of the world wide web that they will be stoked on my adoration of their words.

All of that false display of humility aside, this feature is to hopefully push folks to put down the screens and pick up those paper-filled fossils of entertainment once again. ONLY after reading my recommendations of course. So here we go down the rabbit hole that is the Bone’s taste in mass print literature.

Have a suggestion?

Please submit it to my Instagram: @oath.classic via DirectMessage here.