Sober October Presented By Suntanic Occult

In an effort raise money to open Truckee’s first sober living environment (SLE), Jordan Brandt and Suntanic Occult are sponsoring a Sober October Fitness & Self Improvement Challenge. The SLE is named Crow’s Nest Ranch in memory of his mother who died from aggressive breast cancer as a by-product of her own overconsumption issues. Please read the details below on how participate in the challenge and if you would like to donate directly to the GoFundMe page then click the donate button

Sober October Fitness & Self Improvement Challenge

The goal outside of going STONE FUCKING SOBER is to challenge yourself while assisting in raising money for Crow’s nest Ranch - Sober Living in Truckee, CA during the month of October with these 4 basic guidelines to help you stay focused. Winner of the month will receive a custom Sober October Medal, free sun care from Satanic Occult and of course the knowledge that you took this shit to 11 bitch!

The Guidelines Are:

First step is to join the Facebook Group where all check ins and improvement posts can be made at.

  1. Partake in at least 10 instructor-run classes (yoga, guitar, jiu jitsu, sewing, dance, etc) - these can be digital, in-home.

  2. Exercise at least 1x per day.

  3. Remove ALL sugars & grains from your diet -OR- Adopt a full Paleo diet. 

  4. Meditate at least 3x per week - Guided meditations can count as both this and an instructor class. 

To Participate

IF you are doing a non athletic focused class, a self-run exercise, a self-guided meditation or anything on your own without tracking the data then it is on you to take a selfie and post. 

Those who want to partake but do not want to check in are more than invited but will not be entered to win the custom Suntanic Sober October Prize Pack nor get the 12 months of bragging rights necessary.

Now go give your body hell and feel FUCKING GREAT! - Yes I just said this lat part in my head as if I was Tony The Tiger. It felt good. It felt...GREAT!