Mindful Monday: Choiceless Awareness Meditation with Josh Korda

Wait…hold on…what the FUCK! happened to all the content of sarcastic remarks and burning people with an uncontrolled, narcissistic demeanor that you are just too hungover for all this crap!?!

Well, the honest truth is that the main editor and creator of this publication decided to update his efforts to promote more good and less bullshit. The bullshit will still be inner mixed still, but from here on out get used to a collection of holistic, mindfully aware articles that push one to live a more balanced life by spending more time focusing on the mind, body and spiritual self.

Of course being a naturally rebellious type, I was immediately drawn to the overall image and style of the Dharma Punx movement started by the likes of such overly-tattoed personalities like that of Josh Korda and Noah Levine.

THERE WILL BE MORE TO COME ON THIS NEW DIRECTION! In the meantime, if you are feeling fucked up about the decision then I suggest you spend the next 30 minutes with Josh Korda on his guided Choiceless Awareness Meditation practice. Who knows, you might just enjoy it enough to nerd out as hard as I did. Hopefully you will. Peace, love, and punk rock. - JHB