OATH Classic: New Mindful Direction - Same Rebellious Attitude

You will have to read through the lines of this new “de-facto”, but it all boils down to me deciding that I think there is enough bullshit promoting empty satisfaction out there. So feel free to enjoy the following pull quote from a master of Consciousness, TJ Woodward, and get ready for our new mindful direction BUT with the same rebellious sarcasm I enjoy to pose everything in. - JHB

The Conscious U-Turn

“When we know inwardly - that is, when we truly know and experience that we are not our stories, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, or bodies, but are simply one - that's the our in consciousness. It’s not about doing, but about being. In this U-turn that breaks vicious cycle(s), we turn from an outer-focused way of life to an inner-focused way of being. As we make this shift, the world seems to literally change almost instantly. Those moments where we have this dramatic shift in consciousness and recognize that we're not who we always thought we were, allow us to tap into our ultimate reality.” - TJ Woodward (Semi-Adapted)