Life to Death: The Dash Snow Art Show


We spend the majority of our time on this planet collecting information. Like little sponges prying our way into the private lives of everyone else we are stuck with on this spinning piece of space garbage. This is why art is such an incredible and sought after medium of expression. These people, the artists, who decide to use it as a communicative medium allow you into the deepest, most personal parts of their inner being; and that's fucking GREAT!  

Just think about all the imagery you per day. Now think about the collection of artists whose work really speaks to you. Pretty damn cool right? Sometimes you enjoy their work for a short period of time and then dump that work into the back of your head while letting the rest of life's bullshit set up camp in the front. Occasionally, however, you discover an artist and their work strikes you at your core. For us, one of those artists is Dash Snow. 

Long before Snow was an exhibiting artist world-wide, he was a popular graffiti artist known as "Sace".  This Immediately sets the tone for his life's work which gives you one giant middle finger to societal parameters. Throughout his life and up until his death in 2009, Snow created thousands upon thousands of pieces including his infamous polaroids, photographic prints, collages, videos, and installation works. 

A few years ago I set out to try and collect information about Mr. Snow for what I had intended to be made into a documentary. I wanted people to be able to watch and learn about someone that this author considers to be a legend. What I found was a whole lot of nothing. As it turns out, after Dash passed away, his closest friends and family took an oath of silence. They all agreed not to speak of Dash's life to anyone that didn't know him personally.

In respect to that, I will say no more, and simply let his work speak for itself: