BLM Peace Riot: Salt Lake City, UT
In this time of much needed silence I have been sharing the posts of Black & Indigenous businesses in order to help push their voice further into the forefront of our followers. With that, I have donated to a number of causes in order to assist those fighting the good fight. Being a Portland-based blog has provided a front row seat to the passion of action taking place both here and across our bass-ackwards nation. The following images were captured by William Saunders in his home-base of Salt Lake City and it stirs emotions of pride. The idea that even in places like Salt Lake City, traditionally assumed to be on the more conservative side, people are fed up with the bullshit stirs up emotions I haven’t felt since my teenage days running around with my little crew of SHARPs. It jacks my aggression Johnson to the fullest. Enjoy.
Have you shot images of your locality’s riot or created art? Email me at: to be featured.
Feel Like Donating? Here are links to organizations worth every penny you send:
Social Just Fund NW
NAACP Donation Page
ACLU Donation Page