Artist Spotlight: Will Saunders


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William is one of those photographers you love to love. From his very unassuming presence to his high impact imagery, the kid has got skills. Even worse? He’s humble as all fuck. Makes you want to spit in the direction of anyone that would even consider thinking something negative about him. The kind of guy who can say they are wearing a North Face hoodie with leggings and you just accept it. Zero questions toward his manhood or lack thereof because you know he just got done scaling the side of a treacherous mountain with one hand on his camera and one on his back backpack holding his cajones. So when you are done reading this just go outside and walk on some dirt barefoot. It’s the closest you will get to being on his level.

Name: Will Saunders
Hometown: Sisters, OR
Age: 25
Profession: Photographer 


OATH: First off, you bounce around more than a kinetic bouncy ball on speed so where are you right now? 

Right now I am sitting in my house in SLC. Which doesn’t last very long so I try to enjoy these times at home, get a routine going, eat a bit healthier and hang with friends. I probably travel 60-70% of the year.

OATH: Where was the last place you shot at and what is the next horizon for you to head into?

The last place I shot at was in Utah, sometimes I get local shoots which is a nice change of pace. Before that I did a 3 week shoot in NZ. Next on the list is Japan! I was going to be in Argentina for 2 weeks and then Japan 2 weeks but Argentina shoot got postponed so now its looking like 3 weeks in Japan for 2 shoots and some play time. 

OATH: At this point how long have you been shooting photos?

At this point I have been making pictures since my Sophomore year in College so that would be 7 years. 3 Years studying, 2 years assisting and 2 years going full time on my own. 

OATH: Who and what inspired you to pick up a camera?

Dan Morrison, my professor in college inspired me to pick up a camera and live a life well lived. When I went to college I planned and did study Environmental Science until Dan found out about some of my background in the outdoors. He then convinced me to become an adventure photojournalist. All it took was him showing me his portfolio of all the places around the world he had been in his life and the people he had the opportunity to photograph. I didn’t know how to make it a living but I knew it would be a hell of a life. Dan took me under his wing and pushed me to be a photographer that doesn’t give a fuck except for the subject in front of the camera. There is so much chaos in the world but when I shoot now, the only thing is the subject and me. Which for a guy who is all over the place, it really helps to be able tunnel vision myself. 


OATH: What do you currently shoot with most or what's your favorite camera that you have?

I currently shoot with Canon 5D mark 4 and have been shooting on them for the last 5 years. One of them just had to get their shutter replaced ha! I am toying around with some Fuji cameras and medium format too. So keep an eye out for some new flare in the images soon. I think its good to shoot on all sorts of cameras, it allows you to see the world differently and push your eye. I got stuck shooting the same lens and camera for a while, this year I decided to change up the focal lengths, formats and style to keep the fire lit. 

OATH: Okay, that is enough about the poetic waxing. You work with a crew of rippers on all levels called The Locals Project. What is it? What inspired this collective? What is the peanut butter that jams this crew into the tasty sandwich of creative individuals?

The Locals Project is a rad little crew we started while I was in college. The team came to me looking for a photographer, I saw the roster and knew it would be a dream team. Our goal is to tell stories, true, real, creative stories. We self fund the projects and spend our own time creating imagery, films, design, words, and websites for the passion project. This allows us to once a year tell a story for ourselves and not a client. It really helps to do this because it brings out strong creative ideas, collaboration and then benefits your future paying jobs with its inspiration. 

OATH: You guys came through last summer to kick off your Surf Cuba project and it was good times. What got you all in the mindset to document the Cuban surf scene?

Yeah man such good times in Portland with the Oregon fam. So lucky to have so much support and love out there. We got curious about telling the surf scene in Cuba because we had heard that it was technically illegal to surf in Cuba yet there was a core crew of rippers out there doing it because they love it. Thats our jam. Finding people or communities that do what they love whether they have it all or nothing at all. After talking to people in Cuba and other surfers we learned that this was a strong story and we decided to make that our project for the year. One of the most incredible trips of my life, the locals out there will forever be my family.

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OATH: This project has since taken off on a level the rest of us are doing the half stoked, half jealous clap for the success of it all. How does it feel to have a passion project like this become what it has?

Surf Cuba was received well beyond what we had hoped for. So many people, brands and companies wanted to host and publish it. Huge shout out to TOPO designs, The Surfers Journal and COSUBE for bringing the story and events to life. I always tell people getting into photography to work on a passion project and stick to it. Because I promise you people will forever be more impressed and interested in a project you worked on for yourself. These types of projects are so crucial for the tortured artist. 

Surfer's Journal calls you up and says "we are stoked on your shit and want to run with it"? How many tingles ran through your spine and how many high fives have you given since then?

Hahaha. I think I shit twice when we got the call from TSJ. I honestly didn’t think it was actually going to happen and then next thing we know, there is a full feature in one of the greatest surf mags on earth. I feel like we contributed to the surf history books. Which yeah gives me tingles from head to toe and high fives for everyone no doubt. 


OATH: Are you busters coming back to Portland for a rerun session?

You know I’ll be back soon. Would love to come hang or collaborate with you. Let’s make it happen. 

OATH: Anything in the works right now that we should all be triple checking out screens for?

As far as working coming out… I got my first images published in Januaries The Ski Journal so I am stoked to see that come out soon. Other than that I’ll be updating my website with the last 6 months of shoots. Which is enough to redo my portfolio so stay tuned for that. 

OATH: What are you wearing?

I am wearing a North Face Hoody and leggings cause I skied today, But you know I would be rocking a Portland surf club jacket once they go live.

OATH: Anything else you would like to add? Shout outs to anyone? Or better, any middle fingers you would like to hand out?

Middle fingers and love to all the folks that helped me get here. It’s only been a few years but god damn it’s been a wild ride. And there is no way I’d be here without every single person along the way.

Keep up with all things Will over on his Instagram @WillSaundersPhoto

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