World Cancer Day: Rick Simpson Oil

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Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is a cannabis concentrate used for many different medical benefits, including relieving cancer symptoms. It has a thick, syrupy consistency and can be applied as a topical or ingested in food or drinks.


Quick Background

In 2003, Rick Simpson created a cannabis oil after three suspicious bumps on his arm turned out to be basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer. Simpson had used cannabis to treat medical issues in the past, so he made a cannabis oil to treat his skin cancer topically, applying it to a bandage and covering the cancerous spots.

Within days, the cancerous growths disappeared. Although his physician refused to acknowledge cannabis as a treatment alternative, Simpson became a true believer in the medicinal powers of cannabis and spread the word of his cannabis oil, later called RSO after him.

From then on out, he began cultivating his own cannabis and harvesting plants to create his own specialized form of cannabis concentrate, now known as Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO. It became his mission and goal to distribute cannabis oil to those who needed it, free of charge. He helped treat more than 5,000 patients with RSO, but his journey was not without its setbacks and struggles.

Short Personal Story


One year ago I got the joy of learning that my mother was diagnosed with an aggressive form of terminal breast cancer. I know right? As if last year wasn’t already a fun bag of feral cats.

After some time researching her treatment options and conversing with a collection of professionals, she decided to refuse chemotherapy and went the more natural route.

My mother has been beating cancer’s ass like the redheaded stepchild analogy she loves to quote - never said she was “PC” just a fucking thug. How? It has been through a combination of natural IV treatments and the Rick Simpson Oil regimen.

That’s it really. Sorry I don’t have some garbage poetry to share or my half-cocked opinions about current events. There will be better bullshit for you to enjoy in the future so don’t write me off just yet. Or do. I don’t give a fuck.

Here are some good options for RSO that we suggest:


Of course I write this from an outsider looking in and cannot state anything medical. DO NOT TAKE MY ADVICE HERE! I am just a marketing person with a fucking blog who speaks from personal experience. Well, personal experience and a collection of research factoids I have barely retained from science journals. Later.