NOMADIC | STELLAE - Adaptogen Collection

NOMADIC | STELLAE - Adaptogen Collection


Created by nature and backed by science, we specialize in adaptogenic herbal blends to help your body overcome a wide range of stressors (including physical, mental, emotional, and environmental), while restoring balance to your body to function at its optimal level.

The emotional signals we give out to those around us with our body language and social interactions are dependent upon how balanced we are internally. 

Inspired by the ancient practices of holistic health, Nomadic is here to assist you in managing that internal balance. Whether you are the everyday, bonafide hustler, an eager student forging your own path in life, the manager of your household or a fearless traveler seeking their next adventure, Nomadic has created a formula to adapt your vibe. 

Our base line of supplements, Stellae, were developed with you in mind because wellness is for everyone. Not just the green juicing health aficionados. Stressed out? Reach for the Vela and feel the easy breeze. In times of much needed focus to meet that hard deadline the Orion blend will guide your hands. The Lepus is here when you need that extra kick to make it through your midday energy lull or be guided to some much needed shut eye with the Corvus. Lastly, the Centaurus blend will boost your immune system to heights above a collection of invasive illnesses.

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